Due to intensive snowfall, traffic is slow on numerous sections

Occasional intense snowfall has slowed down traffic, especially on routes over certain mountain passes. Winter services are on the ground conducting necessary interventions, but on stretches with heavy snowfall, there is still snow on the road and occasional icy patches.

Highlighted routes include: Priluka-Glamoč-Mliništa, Ključ-Bosanski Petrovac, Bugojno-Kupres-Šuica, Turbe-Karanovac, Sarajevo-Konjic, and Sarajevo Tarčin-Rogoj, as well as passes Makljen (Prozor-Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje), Rostovo (Bugojno-Novi Travnik), Komar (Donji Vakuf-Travnik), and Oštrelj (Bosanski Petrovac-Drvar).

In the rest of the country, traffic is moving on wet or damp roads, and there is a warning about an increased risk of landslides on numerous routes. Drivers are advised to drive with maximum caution and are reminded not to embark on the journey without winter equipment.

Due to frequent landslides, highlighted routes include: Bihać-Srbljani-Bosanska Krupa, Turbe-Karanovac, Sarajevo-Foča, Crna Rijeka-Jajce-Donji Vakuf, and Bugojno-Kupres, as well as passes Rostovo (Novi Travnik-Bugojno) and Makljen (Prozor-Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje).

Due to construction work on the bridge at the entrance to Sanski Most from the direction of Ključ, near the Water Park, traffic is suspended and redirected to the bypass.

Work is also ongoing on the Grude-Vitina and Čevljanovići-Nišići main roads, with alternating one-lane traffic at the construction sites.

At border crossings, passenger vehicles do not wait longer than 30 minutes.

Due to winter driving conditions in Croatia, there is a ban on the movement of freight vehicles with trailers and semitrailers at the Izačić border crossing, as announced by BIHAMK.